Stage 2: The Local Project Challenge
People from all walks of life are engaged in actions towards a more sustainable, social, economic, and environmental future. Many already incorporate some of the Sustainable Development Goals in their work- even though they might not use SDGs or New Urban Agenda language. The aim of the Local Project Challenge has been to help accelerate the SDGs and the NUA as necessary and useful planks in meeting the demands of climate change and creating a more healthy, sustainable and equitable world. Projects could be of any scale, big or small, and could be proposed by anyone. They could be a completed, current or future project. The aim has been to increase awareness of the SDGs, share knowledge, impact local practices, and help build new networks.
LPC Part 1: April – August 2019
A Call for Local Projects that considered the SDGs was issued in April 2019. 110 projects from 39 countries were accepted.
Projects and country of origin:
Professional: 49 projects from 23 countries
Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Greece, India, Indonesia, Lebanon, Netherlands, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, Rwanda, South Africa, Spain, Tanzania, Uganda, UK, USA, Vanuatu
Education: 35 projects from 20 countries
Australia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, South Africa, United Kingdom, USA
Civil Society: 26 projects from 15 countries
Bangladesh, Brazil, Honduras, India, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Senegal, South Africa, Thailand, USA
LPC Part 2: September – December 2019
Part 1 entrants were invited to further develop their projects as one or two AO (33×46”) or A1 (23×33”) drawings. 47 projects were more fully developed. These drawings are co-located online with Part 1 projects. The intention is that projects of interest can be downloaded, printed and shared to create exhibitions in schools, office settings or community venues. We recommend parallel events in conjunction with local exhibitions. We recommend peer-peer learning and networking with other project personnel, using zoom or other technologies.
Projects and countries of origin
Professional: 17 projects from 11 countries
Argentina, Australia, Brazil, India, Lebanon, Portugal, South Africa, Uganda, United Kingdom, USA, Vanuatu
Education: 19 projects from 11 countries
Brazil, Ecuador, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, South Africa, USA
Civil society: 11 projects from 7 countries
Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Kenya, Papua New Guinea, Senegal, Thailand
The online Gallery was launched by former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. Each project shows the SDGs and targets considered, along with images and information about engagement with local communities.
The Local Project Challenge opportunity
The 2019 Local Project Challenge has been an opportunity to develop and share a project that is:
- Local and involves local partners
- Responds to any of the Sustainable Development Goals and targets
- Participatory and engages citizens as ‘partners’.
By taking part in the Local Project Challenge, the intention was that that participants will:
- Learn more about the SDGs
- Show how the SDGs can be implemented
- Help accelerate the take-up of the SDGs in their communities
- Identify and develop important projects; stimulate plans for further action
- Share the hands-on experience and knowledge gained
- Build new partnerships for action.
Information provided to participants
Local Projects Part 1: Closed August 2019
- Guidelines
- Expressions of Interest Form
- Frequently asked Questions
Local Projects Part 2: Closed December 2019
- Guidelines and deliverables
- Design template
- Project Resources Page
- SDG-Targets
- UN Habitat, SDG-Booklet