Mejorando los Proyectos de Resiliencia Costera con USACE: Protección de las comunidades costeras mediante inversión en infraestructura y comunidades verdes
Improving Coastal Resiliency Projects with the US Army Corps of Engineers
Linear Economy Wolf in Circular Economy Sheep Clothing: Ride-Hailing in Ghana
Designing Community-led Plans to Strengthen Social Cohesion: What Neighborhoods Facing Climate-driven Flood Risks Want From Resilience Planning
Crimes of accommodation: a criminological grounding for road traffic violations among minibus drivers in Africa.
Covid-19 response in Nairobi: A political settlements approach
Understanding the politics of Covid-19 in Kampala, Nairobi and Mogadishu: A political settlements approach
“The Infinite Elasticity of Air: New York City’s Financialization of Transferable Development Rights.”
Zoning: A Guide to 21st Century Planning.
“Filling the Gaps: Improving Measurement of Air Quality in Low and Middle-Income Countries.”
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