CSUD has supported the development and expansion of a comprehensive e-governance strategy in Ruiru Municipality through the construction and maintenance of a website (now housed at https://kiambu.go.ke/ruiru-municipality/) and other information and communication technology (ICT) strategies. As the project expanded, CSUD worked with our partners at IPasha Infotech Enterprise to hold a series of focus group discussions throughout Ruiru with community groups, businesses, and industries. The primary purpose of these meetings was to gauge public opinion on service delivery, modes of communication within the municipality, urban planning proposals and programs, the council website, and other proposed changes in the operation of the council, including a mobile billing system. The results of these meetings revealed a lot of helpful information about the way the council does and does not communicate with residents, and also how residents prefer to receive information from councilors. The meetings ultimately revealed a tremendous amount of helpful information on how to improve the website, which is an ongoing process.