Architect and Associate Professor at Federal University in Rio de Janeiro (FAU-UFRJ) in Brazil. Graduated in Architecture (Instituto Bennett de Ensino, 1981), with a Master of Science Degree on Urban Planning (The University of Michigan, 1983), and a Doctoral Degree in Urban Environmental Structures (University of São Paulo, 2000). She is a researcher at the Graduate Program in Architecture (PROARQ-UFRJ), advisor of doctoral and master thesis and dissertations, coordinator of the research group SEL-RJ (Open spaces systems in Rio de Janeiro) and vice-coordinator of the research group Prolugar (Quality of Place and Landscape). Main research fields include urban landscape morphology, urban design and architectural design, and interests comprise peripheral neighborhoods, urban expansion regions and low income settings, social housing design and architecture education. Vera is also a member of the directory board of the Brazilian Association of Landscape Architects and associated to the Brazilian Architects Institute. Vera is a partner in CSUD’s project Accelerating the SDGs.
Research Affiliates